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Classic Car Services

Dedicated resources and information for Classic Maserati owners
Maserati Eldorado race car on race track Maserati Eldorado race car on race track

Historical Documentation

Historical Documentation

Maserati Classic Department can provide Maserati Customers a new service of Historical Documentation pertaining to their vehicles. The Maserati Historical Archive houses a carefully and precisely researched collection of certified historical documents from which our team can draw documents specific to your vehicle. For information about availability and prices please email the Maserati Classic Department.

Historical Documentation

Technical and Aesthetic Vehicle characteristics (document on parchment paper)
Contents: date of production, model, chassis number, engine number, displacement and fuel system, n° of cylinders, type of gearbox, type of body, rims, external colour with paint code, interior colour with leather code, possible accessories.
Available in Italian or English language.

Vehicle Historical Information (document on parchment paper)
Contents: date of production, factory name when the car was produced, model, chassis number, order date, delivery date, dealer, first owner (if available), delivery zone.
Available in Italian or English language.

Certificate of Origin
Contents: date of production, factory name when the car was produced, model, chassis number, engine type, n° of cylinders, displacement, engine number, type of body.
Available in Italian or English language.
Note: the Certificate of Origin is an Official document signed by a Maserati Authorized Representative.

True copies of original historical documents (copies on parchment paper)
Depending on the availability of documents in Maserati Historical Archive, Maserati Classic can supply true copies of original historical documents, i.e. the technical data sheet of the car, the final test data sheet, the delivery note, the internal order etc.

Classic cars documentation sample

The beginning of the 20th century saw speed burst into our everyday lives, kindling the souls of many fan. These were the years in which the Maserati brothers took their first steps into the world of mechanics and motoring, laying the foundations for the beginning of a century-old legend. A legend that accompanies the history of each Maserati. A history to rediscover and possess.


As of today, Maserati Classiche is opening the doors to the Maserati Historical Archive offering its customers real dive into the past to rediscover the historical documents of each individual Trident-branded vehicle. Over the years, this huge archive has preserved a wide variety of documents, so that Maserati can today issue - for most of its vehicles - not only True Copies of the Original Historical Documents but also Certificates of Origin, Documents on the Technical Aesthetic Features and even Historical Information on your Maserati.


The rich Maserati Historical Archive preserves a wide variety of documents that tell the story of most of the vehicles made by the House of Trident, from the day they were ordered to the day they were delivered. This is a unique opportunity for all Maserati enthusiasts to get a true copy of the original historical documents of their “Maserati Classica”.


In addition to, and regardless of the possibilty to trace back to the original historical doucments of a vehicle, Maserati Classiche offers its fans the opportunity to obtain current documents that certify the origin of their Maserati together with other important data that certifies the cars history.

Get in touch
If you require assistance our dedicated team of experts will be able to help

* Il CO₂ è il gas a effetto serra principalmente responsabile del riscaldamento terrestre. Valore medio CO₂ di tutti i modelli di vettura offerti in Svizzera è 129 g/km. L’obiettivo di emissioni di CO₂ è 118 g/km (WLTP).

I valori indicati per i consumi e le emissioni sono stati determinati in conformità alle procedure di misurazione WLTP prescritte dalla legge. La procedura di prova armonizzata a livello mondiale per automobili e veicoli commerciali leggeri (Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure, WLTP) è un metodo di prova più realistico per la misurazione del consumo di carburante e delle emissioni di  CO₂. I valori variano in funzione degli equipaggiamenti speciali selezionati. Questi dati possono variare significativamente a secondo dello stile di guida, delle condizioni meteorologiche e del traffico, del carico in vettura, della topografia e anche del periodo dell'anno. I dati dei singoli veicoli possono discostarsi dai dati di riferimento in base all’omologazione svizzera.

Per poter confrontare i consumi energetici delle diverse tipologie di propulsione (benzina, diesel, gas, energia elettrica ecc.), il consumo viene espresso anche nei cosiddetti equivalenti benzina (unità di misura per l’energia).

Sarano possibili delle variazioni tra i modelli e gli equipaggiamenti qui descritti. Ci riserviamo il diritto di apportare modifiche alle grafiche e al offerta dei contenuti, senza preavviso. Consultate il vostro concessionario Maserati per ulteriori informazioni.