A few precautions
Offset driving: ACC system may not detect a vehicle in the same lane that is offset from your direct line of travel. The offset vehicle may move in and out of the line of travel, which can cause your vehicle to brake or accelerate unexpectedly. Make sure you’re always and constantly focused on the road and traffic conditions.
Turns and bends: When you’re driving on a curve, the Adaptive Cruise Control system may engage the braking system to decrease your vehicle speed and acceleration for stability reasons even if it doesn’t detect any target vehicle ahead. Once you’re out of the curve, the system will resume your desired speed automatically. This type of deceleration is a normal functionality of ACC.
Driving on hills: When you’re driving on steep hills, be aware that the Adaptive Cruise Control system may not always detect a vehicle in your lane when that vehicle reaches the crest and goes downhill to the other side. Depending on the speed, traffic conditions, and the steepness of the hills, ACC performance may be limited.